IDEAS Workshop Logistics

The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ (ECA) Increase and Diversify Education Abroad for U.S. Study Abroad (IDEAS) Program looks forward to welcoming you to this IDEAS workshop hosted by Miami Dade College (MDC). On this page you will find logistical details relevant to your travel to and attendance at the workshop. This page will be updated periodically as the event approaches.
If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please contact [email protected].
The Increase and Diversify Education Abroad for U.S. Students (IDEAS) Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by World Learning.
Schedule (subject to change)
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Attendee arrival in Miami. Hotel check-in starts at 4:00 p.m. ET.
5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Optional tour of MDC campus and networking opportunity with other workshop attendees. Attendees will meet in Building 2, Floor 1, Room 06. Light appetizers and refreshments will be served.
Friday, September 29, 2023
Check-in and workshop sessions will take place in the Idea Center: Building 8, Floor 5, Room 01. Click here to access a campus map.
8:00 – 8:30 a.m. Check-in and Breakfast
8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Welcome Remarks by The Department of State, IDEAS Program, and Miami Dade College
Focus: Provide an overview of the day and introduce participants to each other, IDEAS Program initiatives, the U.S. Department of State, and Miami Dade College.
9:00-9:30 a.m. Opening
Facilitated group introduction through activities, empowering participants to articulate their challenges
9:30-10:00 a.m. Coffee and Networking Break
10:00-11:00 a.m. Session A: Scholarships Overview
Facilitator/Speaker: Mignon Houston, Diplomat in Residence
Focus: Scholarships Overview- What is Possible. Introduce participants to various ways of funding global experiences, both internal and external to their institution.
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Session B: Defining “Inclusive Excellence”
Facilitator/Speaker: Malaika Marable Serrano, D.Ed.
Focus: Defining “inclusive excellence”- The rapidly changing student demographic landscape has given rise to the need for more inclusive study abroad programs. Faculty leaders and study abroad administrators often wonder how they can design their program to be more “attractive” to a wider range of students. Join the conversation as we explore inclusive program design and best practices.
12:00-1:15 p.m. Lunch
1:15-2:15 p.m. Session C: Cultural Continuums: The nexus between values and behaviors, at home & abroad
Facilitator/Speaker: Sarah Wagner, D.Ed.
Focus: Participants will harness the Cultural Continuums framework as a means to position our students to explore their identities and values, at home and abroad. How can we, as global educators, harness this framework to position our students to explore their identities, understand their values, and deepen their global competencies, both at home and abroad?
2:15-2:30 p.m. Coffee and Networking Break
2:30-3:30 p.m. Session D: How to Build Sustainable Support for Students
Facilitator/Speaker(s): Samila Sosic and Kristine Lalley, D.Ed.
Focus: Participants will be discussing the ways of building sustainable support for underrepresented students in the field of global education based on the pedagogy of inclusive excellence in global education.
3:30-4:30 p.m. Guided Reflection
Gallery Walk: Five flipcharts with questions/topics; The View: What did you take from today’s sessions?; Q&A; Individual Reflection
4:30-5:00 p.m. Closing Remarks, Thank You Note, and Resources Information
Facilitator/Speaker: Samila Sosic
Hotel Details
Hotel YVE Miami
146 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132
Cancellation Policy: Guests may cancel any time prior to 14 days before the event. Cancellation within 14 days of the event may be penalized up to the full amount.
Hotel Parking: The hotel offers valet parking for $50 per day. There are also several public parking lot and garage options nearby within 5-10 minutes walking distance.
Transportation Details
From the Miami Airport to Hotel YVE Miami
Public Transportation: Use the MIA Mover from the airport to Airport Station. Transfer to the Orange Line at Miami Airport Station for seven stops to Government Center Station. Walk 0.5 miles (11 minutes).
Rideshare or Driving: 15 minutes
From Hotel YVE to MDC’s Wolfson Campus
The workshop hotel is 0.4 miles from the workshop location. Attendees may walk (7 minutes) or utilize a rideshare service (4 minutes). Friday’s workshop will take place in the Idea Center: Building 8, Floor 5, Room 01.
Transportation Around Downtown Miami
Free on Miami’s MetroMover!
Getting Around Campus
Utilize the Campus Map and Directions to make your away around campus.
Parking on Campus
Please park in Garage Building 7 and use the 2nd Ave elevator to exit. The address of the parking garage at Building 7 is 500 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33132.
Other Details
Dress Code
The weather this time of year in Florida is warm and humid. Please check the weather forecast and decide what to pack. There isn’t a strict dress code, but business casual is appropriate. Don’t forget to bring comfortable shoes.
Light refreshments will be served at the networking reception on Thursday, September 28. Breakfast and lunch will be provided at MDC on Friday, September 29.
Breakfast is not included in the workshop hotel rate. Tea and coffee will be available in each hotel room and there is a Cuban café in the hotel lobby with food available for purchase.
MDC’s Culinary Institute Café is also a great option on campus. The café is open to the public from 11:00am to 1:00pm and features food prepared by MDC students in their Miami Culinary Institute. Guests can enjoy lunch for $8 or less.