
View our NEW Higher Education Partnerships Toolkit
Published March 25, 2024

Why should higher education institutions invest in and/or expand study abroad? These programs:

  • Increase student marketplace competitiveness for recruitment
  • Improve degree completion, retention, and transfer rates for students:
    • Underrepresented students are more likely to complete their degrees
    • Community college students are more likely to transfer to a 4-year institution
    • First and second year retention rates are higher
  • Expand world view of students and faculty to assist them in becoming fully aware global citizens in and out of the classroom
  • Improve students’ grade point averages
  • Improve students’ language learning
  • Increase students’ employability and career skills
  • Support the academic, inter- and intra-personal career, and intercultural development of students

To learn more about the trends in study abroad click here. 

To learn more about the impact of study abroad click here. 

Library of Resources

TitleDescriptionResource LinkCategoryTypehf:tax:resource_categoryhf:tax:resource_tag
2020 IDEAS Grant Competition Impact Highlights

IDEAS Resource: Check out the impact of the FY19 IDEAS Grantees’ projects.

View the Impact Highlights here

Program InformationReportprogram-inforeport
A Path to Mobility CCID Workshop Resource Handout

Community Resource: This handout contains resources from the CCID Annual Conference 2022: A Path to Mobility: Risk Management Resources for Community Colleges session.

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Risk ManagementSlidesrisk-managementslides
A Path to Mobility: Risk Management Resources for Community Colleges (CCID Session Slides)

Community Resource: Slides from the CCID Annual Conference 2022: A Path to Mobility: Risk Management Resources for Community Colleges session


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Risk ManagementSlidesrisk-managementslides
Advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals through Education Abroad

Community Resource: Guidelines from the Forum on Education Abroad to direct the education abroad sector toward social, economic, and environmental sustainability by connecting the Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentReportoutreach-recruitmentreport
Assessing Student Growth and Development Abroad: Breakout Session Discussion Slides

IDEAS Resource: Discussion slides from “Assessing Student Growth and Development Abroad: Webinar Recording” webinar, part of IDEAS/MHC’s collaborative series,  “From Theory to Practice: Assessment and Evaluation for Study Abroad Programs”.

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Monitoring and EvaluationSlidesmonitoring-evaluationslides
Assessing Student Growth and Development Abroad: Presentation Slides

IDEAS Resource: Presentation slides from “Assessing Student Growth and Development Abroad: Webinar Recording” webinar, part of IDEAS/MHC’s collaborative series,  “From Theory to Practice: Assessment and Evaluation for Study Abroad Programs”.

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Monitoring and EvaluationSlidesmonitoring-evaluationslides
Assessing Student Growth and Development Abroad: Webinar Recording

IDEAS Resource: Recording from “Assessing Student Growth and Development Abroad: Webinar Recording” webinar, part of IDEAS/MHC’s collaborative series,  “From Theory to Practice: Assessment and Evaluation for Study Abroad Programs”.

Watch Recording

Monitoring and EvaluationRecordingmonitoring-evaluationrecording
Budget Proposal Template

Community Resource: General Budget Proposal Template from January 2020 IDEAS Workshop at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadTemplatefaculty-led-programtemplate
Campus Engagement in Refugee Resettlement: Perspectives from the SHERR Program Recording

IDEAS Resource: Webinar recording from “Campus Engagement in Refugee Resettlement: Perspectives from the SHERR Program” session on October 4, 2023.

View Recording

Program Information, Refugees and ImmigrationRecordingprogram-info refugees-and-immigrationrecording
Campus Engagement in Refugee Resettlement: Perspectives from the SHERR Program Slides

IDEAS Resource: Presentation slides from “Campus Engagement in Refugee Resettlement: Perspectives from the SHERR Program” webinar on October 4, 2023.

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Program Information, Refugees and ImmigrationSlidesprogram-info refugees-and-immigrationslides
CBPSA Press Release

IDEAS Resource: Published on November 12, 2018

Read Press Release

Program Informationprogram-info
Consular Affairs – Travel Advisories: Webinar Recording

IDEAS Resource: Webinar Recording; January 28, 2021

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Risk ManagementRecordingrisk-managementrecording
Cooperation Agreement Types

Community Resource: Summary of types and purposes of international cooperation agreements from Georgia State University, from February 2020 IDEAS Workshop at University of Georgia

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadReportfaculty-led-programreport
COVID Risk Mitigation Webinar Slides

IDEAS Resource: Slides from the October 22, 2020 IDEAS Incubator Webinar: The Future of Study Abroad – Risk Mitigation in a COVID World

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Risk ManagementSlidesrisk-managementslides
COVID-19 Risk Management FAQs

IDEAS Resource: Frequently asked questions from the Fall 2020 IDEAS webinar series The Future of Study Abroad, addressing risk management and the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Risk Managementrisk-management
Developing Partners and Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa – ASL Interpretation

ASL Recording of IDEAS Program Webinar “Developing Partners and Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa” on August 14, 2024. This webinar is a part of IDEAS Webinar Series “Expanding U.S. Study Abroad Destinations: Connecting American Students with the World.”

View Recording.

Partnership DevelopmentASL Recordingpartnership-developmentasl-recording
Developing Partners and Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa – Recording

Recording of IDEAS Program Webinar “Developing Partners and Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa” on August 14, 2024. This webinar is a part of IDEAS Webinar Series “Expanding U.S. Study Abroad Destinations: Connecting American Students with the World.”

View Recording.

Partnership DevelopmentRecordingpartnership-developmentrecording
Developing Partners and Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa – Slide Deck

Developing Partners and Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa – Combined Slide Deck. This webinar is a part of IDEAS Webinar Series “Expanding U.S. Study Abroad Destinations: Connecting American Students with the World.”

Download PDF.

Partnership DevelopmentSlidespartnership-developmentslides
Faculty-led Budget Development Template

Community Resource: Faculty-led Program Budget Template from January 2020 IDEAS Workshop at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte


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Faculty-Led Study AbroadTemplatefaculty-led-programtemplate
Faculty-led Program Design A-Z Presentation Video

IDEAS Resource: Presentation recording from January 2020 IDEAS Workshop at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadRecordingfaculty-led-programrecording
Faculty-Led Program Design A-Z Slides

IDEAS Resource: Presentation slides from January 2020 IDEAS Workshop at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadSlidesfaculty-led-programslides
Faculty-led Study Abroad White Paper (UGA Workshop)

IDEAS Resource: Summaries and lessons learned from the February 2020 IDEAS Workshop at the University of Georgia

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadReportfaculty-led-programreport
Financial Strategies to Maximize Your Office’s Budget: Presentation Slides

IDEAS Resource: Slides from January 13, 2022 IDEAS Webinar: Financial Strategies to Maximize Your Office’s Budget 

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentSlidesoutreach-recruitmentslides
Financial Strategies to Maximize Your Office’s Budget: Webinar Recording

IDEAS Resource: Recording from “Financial Strategies to Maximize Your Office’s Budget” webinar, part of the IDEAS Program series, “Priorities for a Return to Student Mobility”.

Watch recording

Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentRecordingoutreach-recruitmentrecording
FY18 IDEAS Grantees Impact Update – Dec. 2020

IDEAS Resource: Check out the impact of the FY18 IDEAS Grantees’ projects!

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Program InformationReportprogram-inforeport
IDEAS Program Fact Sheet

IDEAS Resource: Informational program flyer

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Program Informationprogram-info
IDEAS Resources for Supporting Underrepresented Students Presentation Slides

IDEAS Resource: Presentation slides from “IDEAS Resources for Supporting Underrepresented Students” webinar, part of the IDEAS Program series, “Priorities for a Return to Student Mobility”.

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentSlidesoutreach-recruitmentslides
IDEAS Resources for Supporting Underrepresented Students Webinar Recording

IDEAS Resource: Webinar recording from “IDEAS Resources for Supporting Underrepresented Students webinar, part of the IDEAS Program series, “Priorities for a Return to Student Mobility”.

View Recording

Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentRecordingoutreach-recruitmentrecording
IDEAS/College of Southern Nevada Workshop: Resources Hyperdoc

IDEAS Resource: Resources from July 2022 IDEAS Workshop hosted virtually by College of Southern Nevada. Contains from each session:

  • Session Recording
  • Presentation Slides

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentHyperdocoutreach-recruitmenthyperdoc
IDEAS/Miami Dade College Workshop: Resource Hyperdoc

IDEAS Resource: Resources from the September 2023 IDEAS workshop hosted in person at Miami Dade College: Disturbing Stereotypes and Single-Story Narratives: Expanding Inclusivity and Belonging in Global Programming. Contains presentation slides from each session, one recording, and one additional resource.

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentHyperdocoutreach-recruitmenthyperdoc
IDEAS/Mt. Holyoke Program Report: Literary Review and Resources

IDEAS Resource: Extracted from Mount Holyoke IDEAS Program Report, includes literature and resources on best practices in study abroad program assessment and evaluation.

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Monitoring and Evaluationmonitoring-evaluation
IDEAS/Mt. Holyoke Workshop: Assessment for Faculty-led Programming Recording

IDEAS Resource: Presentation recording from April 2021 IDEAS Workshop hosted virtually by Mt. Holyoke College.

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Monitoring and EvaluationRecordingmonitoring-evaluationrecording
IDEAS/Mt. Holyoke Workshop: Assessment Resources Hyperdoc

IDEAS Resource: Resources from April 2021 IDEAS Workshop hosted virtually by Mt. Holyoke College. Contains:

  • Presentation slides
  • Handouts:
    • Writing Study Learning Outcomes and Samples
    • Tactics, Tools, and Techniques for Student Assessment
    • Student Assessment and Program Evaluation Comparison
    • Evaluation Planning
    • Partnerships
  • Collaborative Documents
  • Session Transcripts

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Monitoring and EvaluationSlides, Templatemonitoring-evaluationslides template
IDEAS/Mt. Holyoke Workshop: Closing Assessment Session Recording

IDEAS Resource: Presentation recording from April 2021 IDEAS Workshop hosted virtually by Mt. Holyoke College.

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Monitoring and EvaluationRecordingmonitoring-evaluationrecording
IDEAS/Mt. Holyoke Workshop: Opening Assessment Session Recording

IDEAS Resource: Presentation recording from April 2021 IDEAS Workshop hosted virtually by Mt. Holyoke College.

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Monitoring and EvaluationRecordingmonitoring-evaluationrecording
IDEAS/Mt. Holyoke Workshop: Program & Partner Evaluation and Assessment Recording

IDEAS Resource: Presentation recording from April 2021 IDEAS Workshop hosted virtually by Mt. Holyoke College.

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Monitoring and EvaluationRecordingmonitoring-evaluationrecording
IDEAS/Mt. Holyoke Workshop: Student Assessment Recording

IDEAS Resource: Presentation recording from April 2021 IDEAS Workshop hosted virtually by Mt. Holyoke College.

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Monitoring and EvaluationRecordingmonitoring-evaluationrecording
IDEAS/Mt. Holyoke Workshop: Workshopping Assessments Session Recording

IDEAS Resource: Presentation/discussion recording from May 2021 IDEAS Workshop hosted virtually by Mt. Holyoke College.

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Monitoring and EvaluationRecordingmonitoring-evaluationrecording
IDEAS/Prairie View A&M University Workshop: Resource Hyperdoc

IDEAS Resource: Resources from the April 2023 IDEAS workshop hosted in person at Prairie View A&M University. Contains presentation slides from each session.

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Program InformationHyperdocprogram-infohyperdoc
IDEAS/St. Cloud Webinar: Leveraging Institutional Partnerships for Access and Opportunity Recording

IDEAS Resource: Presentation/discussion recording from July 13, 2021 IDEAS Webinar hosted virtually by St. Cloud State University.

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentRecordingoutreach-recruitmentrecording
IDEAS/St. Cloud Webinar: Student Racial Identity Development in Theory and Practice: from Participant to Professional

IDEAS Resource: Presentation/discussion recording from July 14, 2021 IDEAS Webinar hosted virtually by St. Cloud State University.

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentRecordingoutreach-recruitmentrecording
IDEAS/University of Georgia Webinar: Resource Hyperdoc

IDEAS Resource: Resources from August 2022 IDEAS webinar hosted virtually by University of Georgia. Contains from each session:

  • Session Recording
  • Presentation Slides
  • Handouts and Other Resources

View Hyperdoc

Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentHyperdocoutreach-recruitmenthyperdoc
IDEAS/University of Washington Tacoma Workshop: Resources Hyperdoc

IDEAS Resource: Resources from April/May 2022 IDEAS Workshop hosted virtually by University of Washington Tacoma. Contains from each session:

  • Session Recording
  • Presentation Slides
  • Combined Handout of Materials

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentHyperdocoutreach-recruitmenthyperdoc
IDEAS/University of Wyoming Workshop: Resource Hyperdoc

IDEAS Resource: Resources from the October 2022 IDEAS workshop hosted in person at the University of Wyoming. Contains the following materials from each session:

  • Presentation Slides
  • Handouts

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadHyperdocfaculty-led-programhyperdoc
International Higher Education Partnership 101 – ASL Interpretation Recording

Recording of ASL interpretation from the International Higher Education Partnership 101 webinar on March 25, 2024. This event is part of the “Expanding U.S. Study Abroad Destinations: Connecting American Students with the World” webinar series.

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Partnership DevelopmentASL Recordingpartnership-developmentasl-recording
International Higher Education Partnerships 101 – Recording

Webinar recording from “International Higher Education Partnerships 101” session on March 25, 2024.

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Partnership DevelopmentRecordingpartnership-developmentrecording
International Higher Education Partnerships 101 – Slides

Slides from the International Higher Education Partnerships 101 on March 25, 2024.

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Partnership DevelopmentSlidespartnership-developmentslides
International Higher Education Partnerships Toolkit

The higher education partnerships toolkit is a resource developed under the U.S.-ASEAN University Connections Initiative, a White House initiative announced during the U.S.-ASEAN Special Summit in May 2022 to build greater collaboration between U.S. and Southeast Asian higher education institutions. It is funded through the IDEAS (Increase and Diversify Education Abroad for U.S. Students) Program, a program of the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by World Learning. The U.S.-ASEAN University Connections Initiative was implemented in partnership with the Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA), which has brought together higher education experts to share their knowledge and expertise in partnership development in this toolkit. The purpose of this toolkit is to provide an introductory, overarching view of higher education partnership development.

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Partnership DevelopmentToolkitpartnership-developmenttoolkit
Leading Short-term Education Abroad Programs: Know the Standards

Community Resource: Standards for short-term study abroad programs, as presented by the Forum on Education Abroad

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadReportfaculty-led-programreport
Letter of Intent (LOI) One Pager

Community Resource: Information on letters of intent from Georgia State University, from February 2020 IDEAS Workshop at University of Georgia

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadReportfaculty-led-programreport
Managing Risk and Prioritizing Safety When Expanding to New Destinations – ASL Interpretation Recording

ASL interpretation recording of the Managing Risk and Prioritizing Safety When Expanding to New Destinations webinar on April 25, 2024. This event is part of the “Expanding U.S. Study Abroad Destinations: Connecting American Students with the World” webinar series.

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Risk Managementrisk-management
Managing Risk and Prioritizing Safety When Expanding to New Destinations – Recording

Recording of the Managing Risk and Prioritizing Safety When Expanding to New Destinations webinar on April 25, 2024. This event is part of the “Expanding U.S. Study Abroad Destinations: Connecting American Students with the World” webinar series.

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Risk Managementrisk-management
Managing Risk and Prioritizing Safety When Expanding to New Destinations – Slides

Slides from the Managing Risk and Prioritizing Safety When Expanding to New Destinations webinar on April 25, 2024. This event is part of the “Expanding U.S. Study Abroad Destinations: Connecting American Students with the World” webinar series.

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Risk Managementrisk-management
Maximizing Your Study Abroad Resources – Faculty-led best practices for program flexibility: Webinar PowerPoint

IDEAS Resource: Webinar Powerpoint slides from July 16, 2020

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadSlidesfaculty-led-programslides
Maximizing Your Study Abroad Resources – Faculty-led best practices for program flexibility: Webinar Recording

IDEAS Resource: Webinar Recording from July 16, 2020

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadRecordingfaculty-led-programrecording
Maximizing Your Study Abroad Resources – Supporting Underrepresented Students in Study Abroad: Webinar Recording

IDEAS Resource: Webinar Recording from June 16, 2020

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentRecordingoutreach-recruitmentrecording
On Higher Education and Immigration

Community Resource: Presidents’ Alliance document on Parole Programs for Haiti, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela from the “Campus Engagement in Refugee Resettlement: Perspectives from the SHERR Program” webinar on October 4, 2023.

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Program Information, Refugees and ImmigrationHyperdocprogram-info refugees-and-immigrationhyperdoc
Participant Agreement Template

Community Resource: Sample of Participant Agreement Form from the January 2020 IDEAS Workshop at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadTemplatefaculty-led-programtemplate
Partnership Development Checklist

Community Resource: Template to assist in the development of domestic and international partnerships from January 2020 IDEAS Workshop at the California State University – Bakersfield

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentTemplateoutreach-recruitmenttemplate
PNW COIL Summit Resources

Community Resource: Slides and shared resources from the Pacific Northwest COIL Summit hosted by Green River College on April 18 and 19, 2024. This event was funded in part by the IDEAS Program with support from World Learning.

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Virtual ExchangeHyperdocvirtual-exchangehyperdoc
Post-program Student Debrief Questions Template

Community Resource: Program conclusion student survey template from January 2020 IDEAS Workshop at the California State University – Bakersfield

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentTemplateoutreach-recruitmenttemplate
Preparing a Globally Competent STEM Workforce through Study Abroad Recording

IDEAS Resource: Webinar recording from “Preparing a Globally Competent STEM Workforce through Study Abroad” session on September 14, 2023.

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentRecordingoutreach-recruitmentrecording
Preparing a Globally Competent STEM Workforce through Study Abroad Webinar Slides

IDEAS Resource: Presentation slides from “Preparing a Globally Competent STEM Workforce through Study Abroad” webinar on September 14, 2023.

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentSlidesoutreach-recruitmentslides
Priorities for a Return to Student Mobility: Virtually Abroad: Webinar Recording

IDEAS Resource: Webinar Recording; February 18, 2021

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Virtual ExchangeRecordingvirtual-exchangerecording
Priorities for a Return to Student Mobility: Working with Partners to Assess and Manage Risk: Webinar Recording

IDEAS Resource: Webinar Recording; November 4, 2021

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Risk ManagementRecordingrisk-managementrecording
Priorities for a Return to Student Mobility: Working with Partners to Assess and Manage Risk: Webinar Slides

IDEAS Resource: Webinar Slides from November 4th, 2021

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Risk ManagementSlidesrisk-managementslides
Program Approval Process

Community Resource: Example of the faculty-led program approval process from Savannah State University, from February 2020 IDEAS Workshop at University of Georgia

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadTemplatefaculty-led-programtemplate
Program Logistics and Itinerary Template

Program Logistics and Itinerary Template from January 2020 IDEAS Workshop at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadTemplatefaculty-led-programtemplate
Provider Program Budget Development Template

Community Resource: Provider Program Proposal budget template from January 2020 IDEAS Workshop at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadTemplatefaculty-led-programtemplate
Resources at the Intersection of Higher Education and Resettlement

Community Resource: Resources at the Intersection of Higher Education and Refugee Resettlement from the “Campus Engagement in Refugee Resettlement: Perspectives from the SHERR Program” webinar on October 4, 2023.

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Program Information, Refugees and ImmigrationHyperdocprogram-info refugees-and-immigrationhyperdoc
Restarting Education Abroad with Key Resources for Disability Inclusion

Community Resource: Resource from Mobility International USA used at the Forum on Education Abroad’s 18th Annual Conference, containing useful links and resources for disability inclusion in study abroad. 

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentHyperdocoutreach-recruitmenthyperdoc
Risk and Release Agreement Template

Community Resource: Sample of Risk and Release Agreement form from January 2020 IDEAS Workshop at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadTemplatefaculty-led-programtemplate
Risk Assessment Template 1

COVID Risk Assessment Template from October 2020 Risk Management Webinar

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Risk ManagementTemplaterisk-managementtemplate
Risk Assessment Template 2

COVID Risk Assessment Excel Template from October 2020 Risk Management Webinar

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Risk ManagementTemplaterisk-managementtemplate
Rural Students Across the Globe: Recruiting and Supporting Rural U.S. Students Abroad Webinar Recording

IDEAS Resource: Webinar recording from Rural Students Across the Globe: Recruiting and Supporting Rural U.S. Students Abroad  session on December 1, 2022.

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Study Abroad Outreach & Recruitmentoutreach-recruitment
Rural Students Across the Globe: Recruiting and Supporting Rural U.S. Students Abroad Webinar Slides

IDEAS Resource: Presentation slides from “Rural Students Across the Globe: Recruiting and Supporting Rural U.S. Students Abroad” webinar on December 1, 2022.

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentSlidesoutreach-recruitmentslides
Sample SDG Impact Table

Community Resource: Forum on Education Abroad.Example of the SDG Impact worksheet from the

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentTemplateoutreach-recruitmenttemplate
SDG Impact Table Worksheet

Community Resource: This worksheet illustrates how some of the guidelines for Advancing the UN SDGs Through Education Abroad from the Forum on Education Abroad align with relevant SDGs at your institution or organization.

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentTemplateoutreach-recruitmenttemplate
Stevens Initiative 2020 Survey of the Virtual Exchange Field Report

Community Resource: This report from The Stevens Initiative features findings from a survey of virtual exchange programs from fall 2019 through summer 2020.

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Virtual ExchangeReportvirtual-exchangereport
Stevens Initiative 2022 Survey of the Virtual Exchange Field Report

Community Resource: This report from The Stevens Initiative features findings from a survey of virtual exchange programs from fall 2021 through summer 2022.

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Virtual ExchangeReportvirtual-exchangereport
Stevens Initiative 2022 Virtual Exchange Impact and Learning Report

Community Resource: This report from The Stevens Initiative features findings from a survey of virtual exchange programs from summer 2020 through spring 2021.

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Virtual ExchangeReportvirtual-exchangereport
Stevens Initiative 2023 Virtual Exchange Impact and Learning Report

Community Resource: This report from the Stevens Initiative features findings from a survey of virtual exchange programs from summer 2021 through spring 2022.

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Virtual ExchangeReportvirtual-exchangereport
Stevens Initiative Evaluating Virtual Exchange: A Toolkit for Practitioners

Community Resource: This toolkit from the Stevens Initiative features suggestions for best practices in evaluating virtual exchange programs, as well as recommended items for surveys of virtual exchange participants.

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Monitoring and Evaluation, Virtual ExchangeToolkitmonitoring-evaluation virtual-exchangetoolkit
Student Exchange Partnership Agreement Template

Community Resource: Student Exchange Partnership Agreement Template from January 2020 IDEAS Workshop at California State University – Bakersfield

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentTemplateoutreach-recruitmenttemplate
Student Survey

Example of a study abroad survey for students from Savannah State University, from February 2020 IDEAS Workshop at University of Georgia

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadTemplatefaculty-led-programtemplate
Study Abroad Procedures Manual

Example of Study Abroad Programs Procedures Manual from Savannah State University, from February 2020 IDEAS Workshop at the University of Georgia

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadTemplatefaculty-led-programtemplate
Study Abroad Student Handbook

Example of a study abroad student handbook from Savannah State University, from February 2020 IDEAS Workshop at University of Georgia

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadTemplatefaculty-led-programtemplate
Summary of Faculty-led Study Abroad White Paper (UGA Workshop)

IDEAS Resource: Condensed white paper from February 2020 IDEAS Workshop at the University of Georgia

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadReportfaculty-led-programreport
Supporting First-Generation Students to Study Abroad: IIE Report

Community Resource: This report from The Institute of International Education presents promising practices and examples from U.S. higher education institutions and study abroad programs to enhance pathways to access study abroad opportunities for first-generation students.

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Faculty-Led Study Abroad, Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentReportfaculty-led-program outreach-recruitmentreport
TAAP (Transforming Agency, Access, and Power) Toolkit

A toolkit to assist in the integration of social inclusion in projects and programs.

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Study Abroad Outreach & Recruitmentoutreach-recruitment
The Future of Study Abroad: How to Decide When it is Safe and Ethical to Begin Again: Webinar Recording

IDEAS Resource: Webinar Recording; September 17, 2020

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Risk ManagementRecordingrisk-managementrecording
The Future of Study Abroad: Risk Mitigation in a COVID World: Webinar Recording

IDEAS Resource: Webinar Recording; October 22, 2020

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Risk ManagementRecordingrisk-managementrecording
Theory of Change: Translating Study Abroad Program Goals and Priorities into Assessments: Webinar Handout

IDEAS Resource: Fillable handout from “Theory of Change: Translating Study Abroad Program Goals and Priorities into Assessments”, part of IDEAS/MHC’s collaborative series,  “From Theory to Practice: Assessment and Evaluation for Study Abroad Programs”.

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Monitoring and EvaluationRecordingmonitoring-evaluationrecording
Theory of Change: Translating Study Abroad Program Goals and Priorities into Assessments: Webinar Recording

IDEAS Resource: Webinar Recording from “Theory of Change: Translating Study Abroad Program Goals and Priorities into Assessments”, part of IDEAS/MHC’s collaborative series on November 10th, 2021

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Monitoring and EvaluationRecordingmonitoring-evaluationrecording
Theory of Change: Translating Study Abroad Program Goals and Priorities into Assessments: Webinar Slides

IDEAS Resource: Presentation Slide deck from “Theory of Change: Translating Study Abroad Program Goals and Priorities into Assessments” webinar, part of IDEAS/MHC’s collaborative series,  “From Theory to Practice: Assessment and Evaluation for Study Abroad Programs”.

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Monitoring and EvaluationRecordingmonitoring-evaluationrecording
Transcripts, Translations, and Transfers, Oh My! A Registrar’s Perspective on Study Abroad Webinar FAQs

IDEAS Resource: Questions posed with answers from panelists from “Transcripts, Translations, and Transfers, Oh My! A Registrar’s Perspective on Study Abroad” webinar on May 17, 2023.

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentFAQsoutreach-recruitmentfaqs
Transcripts, Translations, and Transfers, Oh My! A Registrar’s Perspective on Study Abroad Webinar Recording

IDEAS Resource: Webinar recording from “Transcripts, Translations, and Transfers, Oh My! A Registrar’s Perspective on Study Abroad” session on May 17, 2023.

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentRecordingoutreach-recruitmentrecording
Transcripts, Translations, and Transfers, Oh My! A Registrar’s Perspective on Study Abroad Webinar Slides

IDEAS Resource: Presentation slides from “Transcripts, Translations, and Transfers, Oh My! A Registrar’s Perspective on Study Abroad” webinar on May 17, 2023.

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Study Abroad Outreach & RecruitmentSlidesoutreach-recruitmentslides
Universidad del Sagrado Corazon: Spanish-Language Study Abroad Resources

Community Resource: These study abroad resources from the Universidad del Sagrado Corazon were developed using IDEAS grant funding and feature helpful videos, flyers, and other materials for Spanish-speaking students and their families. 

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Study Abroad Outreach & Recruitmentoutreach-recruitment
USG Study Abroad Handbook

University System of Georgia Study Abroad Handbook, from February 2020 IDEAS Workshop at University of Georgia

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadReport, Templatefaculty-led-programreport template
Vetting External Study Abroad Program Providers

List of questions for vetting study abroad program providers from February 2020 IDEAS Workshop at the University of Georgia

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Faculty-Led Study AbroadTemplatefaculty-led-programtemplate
Virtual Exchange Toolkit

Community Resource: This toolkit from ECA will provide some guidelines and principles to help design and execute a virtual exchange, as well as some tips for technical troubleshooting.

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Virtual Exchangevirtual-exchange
Virtual Exchanges Webinar Slides

IDEAS Resource: Slides from the February 18, 2021 IDEAS Incubator Webinar – Virtually Abroad: Expanding our idea of what study abroad looks like

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Virtual ExchangeSlidesvirtual-exchangeslides
What do institutions need to know about the updated U.S. Department of State Travel Advisories? Webinar Recording

IDEAS Resource: Webinar recording from What do institutions need to know about the updated U.S. Department of State Travel Advisories?  session on May 12, 2022.

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Risk ManagementRecordingrisk-managementrecording
What the State Department & U.S. Embassies Can and Can’t Do in a Crisis: Webinar Recording

IDEAS Resource: Webinar Recording; March 25, 2021

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Risk ManagementRecordingrisk-managementrecording
When One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Analyzing Data for Diverse Student Populations: Handout 1 (Fillable)

IDEAS Resource: Fillable handout from “When One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Analyzing Data for Diverse Student Populations”, part of IDEAS/MHC’s collaborative series,  “From Theory to Practice: Assessment and Evaluation for Study Abroad Programs”.

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Monitoring and EvaluationSlidesmonitoring-evaluationslides
When One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Analyzing Data for Diverse Student Populations: Handout 2 (Tactics, Tools, and Techniques)

IDEAS Resource: Handout from “When One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Analyzing Data for Diverse Student Populations”, part of IDEAS/MHC’s collaborative series,  “From Theory to Practice: Assessment and Evaluation for Study Abroad Programs”.

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Monitoring and EvaluationSlidesmonitoring-evaluationslides
When One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Analyzing Data for Diverse Student Populations: Presentation Slides

IDEAS Resource: Presentation slides from “When One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Analyzing Data for Diverse Student Populations”, part of IDEAS/MHC’s collaborative series,  “From Theory to Practice: Assessment and Evaluation for Study Abroad Programs”.

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When One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Analyzing Data for Diverse Student Populations: Webinar Recording Session 4

IDEAS Resource: Webinar recording from “When One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Analyzing Data for Diverse Student Populations”, part of IDEAS/MHC’s collaborative series, “From Theory to Practice: Assessment and Evaluation for Study Abroad Programs”.

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